Act Now to Protect Your Rights

After an accident, it is important to take action to protect your rights and ability to claim compensation. You should do the following:

Get medical care — You should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you feel fine, there could be serious complications that reveal themselves only over time. This is especially true in cases involving head injuries.

Get the names and phone numbers of witnesses — Their statements could provide vital evidence in your case. If possible, report the accident to the manager or owner of the property.

Write down how the accident happened — Be sure to describe the dangerous condition that led to your fall.

Follow the instructions of your doctor — If you stop medical treatment prematurely, the insurance company may claim that your injuries are not serious enough to warrant the compensation you really deserve.

Call or email Chambers & Noronha today.

In a free consultation, an attorney at our firm can review your case and explain your legal options.